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Platinum TE Paspalum Overseeded
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West Coast Turf's newest grass technology for Arizona!
In the news! Montecito Club Regrasses with Platinum TE Seashore Paspalum

Less Fertilizer + Less Water = "GREENER" grass for the environment and more $ in your pocket!
Do you want to try something different? Do you want to use the newest in turf tech for home lawn, sports field, or golf course that both saves precious water, and uses less fertilizer? Do you want to do all you can to protect our environment, and still have a gorgeous oxygen producing and carbon absorbing natural turfgrass? Then Platinum TE paspalum sod is for you in California, Arizona, and Nevada!
Platinum TE is an excellent homeowner friendly grass that does not necessarily need to be overseeded or fertilized heavily, and can save money over the course of the year when properly maintained. Paspalum grasses require special care--check out our Platinum TE Paspalum Grass Maintenance page for more info.
Platinum TE has a bright green color, with a medium-fine texture. It is ideal for warm climates. Paspalum will go dormant in cooler temperature months, but may be overseeded for winter color.
Paspalum is a full sun grass and should not be used in shade.
For the ultimate in water savings, forgo overseeding and use our Endurant TE™ to paint your Platinum TE during the cold of the winter and save on watering and the cost of rye overseed!
Ask our customer service turf experts about this new technology, which makes your WCT Platinum TE sod the most environmental choice available.
If you have a specific question about Platinum TE, feel free call or to e-mail for answers.
“The Montecito Club’s vision for improved golf course playability and significant reduction in water usage continues as we have taken the opportunity to re-sod with Platinum TE paspalum turfgrass. Platinum TE provides an unprecedented dark emerald-green aesthetic; this new playing surface has an upright growth pattern and allows the golf ball to sit up on the single cut fairways and rough with unparalleled playability to any golf course on the West Coast.”
Tennessee McBroom
Director of Agronomy—Montecito Club
Features & Benefits
- Paspalum has a shorter dormancy period than EZ Turf, BOBSod, Tifway 419, and 328. It can transition up to a month quicker than some bermudas.
- Platinum TE will handle hard frosts better than the bermudagrass and maintain some color throughout the winter period.
- Leaf texture on Platinum TE seems very similar to BOBSod/Bull's-Eye Bermuda, but there is a waxy-wet look shine to the leaf blade on one side and more of an upright growth pattern.
- Platinum TE can be maintained at heights of ½" to 2" but is most successful around 1 ¼".
- The fertilizer and water requirements have made it a very popular grass, as it seems to dislike nitrogen and thrives on organic materials such as milorganite. The watering schedule can be very different than a bermudagrass in that it seems to tolerate stress better than bermudagrass on a 3-4 day watering schedule. (5-10 minutes per every day not watered). Organic type fertilizers maybe used to help keep water bills down. Platinum TE is very prone to scalping with excessive water and fertilizer so it is best kept to a minimum.
- Platinum TE will thrive in soggy soil with a wide range of pH from slightly acidic to extremely alkaline. It will tolerate salty soils, and does well with saline water, or recycled water.
- Platinum TE is drought tolerant. It has a very deep root system that allows it to hold moisture for longer periods of time than many other turfgrasses. In the right conditions, it can go for several days without irrigation. Deep infrequent irrigations are best during the growing season.
- Some broadleaf weeds can be controlled with a saltwater solution, instead of herbicides.
- Wear and traffic tolerance has proven to be excellent with Platinum TE. Pet damage recovers quickly due to the density of the grass and aggressive spreading of stolons.
- Platinum TE overseeds and transitions well. It does not seem to have as much problem with the ryegrass competition as the bermudagrass can.
- Platinum TE tends to get a bit thatchy, so like bermuda, it is best to do 2 light verticuts during the growing season, or 1 during the season, and 1 before overseeding, should you decide to overseed.
With proper care, Platinum TE paspalum will make your neighbors green with envy! If you have any questions regarding the use or care of Platinum TE, please call our office at 800/832-8873 or e-mail.